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i cannot seem to get the futa transformation in the cafe, does anyone know what to do

The chef enemies should be able to cook you up a nice something down there.

heya sub, i was wondering whats next for the body series? i imagine the ghosts would not be happy with v (sorry spoiler avoidence) given they were kinda promised a hanaja's body and they now have 3-4 capable folks in the world of the living kinda mad at them it seems like a good set up for a plot to me. wonder how far off my guess it though...


Good question. Rumors have it that not even the creator knows what will happen next in the series (finishing another game this week so I have been busy! Damsels of Vice 2: Project Mesmer is releasing this Friday!!!!)

I will say that I try not to lean too much on expecting people to play the previous games in the series to understand what is going on in the one they are currently playing. That's not to say we won't see incarnations of those characters in the future. Maybe in their own game(s)? Who knows?