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Intresting game. Its a bit challenging to play the game and it can be a bit confusing at times. Its rare to see a multiplayer game in a jam and it quite inovative. Tho it doesn't have that much variety, depth or challange. The human almost always wins, as the human only needs to stay by and spam the ship to destory it. It is pretty easy to locate the ship and when your'e already there just spaming the ship with shots will kill it pretty quickly, so it isn't that balanced either.

Nice that you tried something different, though it doesn't really offer that much in the terms of gameplay.

Thank you for playing the game and rating! I get that the instructions weren't that clear but as you know game jams are really limited. If you'd like you can check out our post jam version of the game were we've made the instructions more clear and added more mechanics to give balance and depth. (Its not completely finished though).