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Thank you! I agree with you like i said to some other, it's too slow, the game pace isn't good at all. There's no need for the flower, i just imagined it like that originally but after submitting it, I was told i should have made it so that you only need to click F while on the planet. You (and him) are surely right and i will do that after the rating phase ends. 

Yup, more variety would be nice. Some sounds effects too, but those last two i just didn't have the time to do.

I will polish the game a little bit but I don't intend on working too much more on it, I will make eventually another game that revolves around a similar concept, and I've learned with the mistakes i've made in this one, and am looking to making new stuff :)

Thank you for playing the game until the end :) and thank you for the feedback :)