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(1 edit)

Is the spitting fire boss the final boss? If so, where can I find the last sword after fire sword?

EDIT: I beat the last boss. But where is that long black sword with 20 ATK?

Yes it's the final boss. The last sword is well hidden in the first part of the castle.

Thank you I finally found it! It's clever that you hide breakable walls in the entrance of fake walls. The only way to figure it is suspicious is by hugging the wall because when he is running to a real wall, his face is not covered. Otherwise, his face is covered and it is a fake wall you can pass through.

Thanks :)

And thanks for rating too. 

You talked about audio bugs, can you tell me more?

The audio is kinda lagging the longer I play. There is this moment when the sounds get too laggy it stopped. This was when I'm going back and fort between two rooms every 2 seconds to farm exp from minotaur. Audio sounds like about to crash but the game runs smoothly.