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Im guessing the power button is quit? i thought that was turning on the radio and got confused why the game froze whenever i pressed it. Very nice game though! small and well polished, great job!


A leaderboard is definitely something worth adding


Thank you very much! 

Yes, you guessed it right, power button is quit. At the beginning, we didn't thought about browser version and needed quit button. But when I read your comment, actually we needed to add confirm popup. 

Also we wanted to make leaderboard but we tried to use Godot 4 beta, it has cool features but some features was missing. So unfortunately we didn't want to continue developing with Godot 4.

Thank you for your feedbacks!


I used playfab in the past for leaderboards, really good integration for unity if that's what you used!

Thank you for your suggestion! We used Godot 4 for this project but we will remake it on Unity so I will look for Playfab.