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Hi there!

Sorry for the late answer. I found the problem. 

But first, you need to update my plugins. You are using version 5.0.0 for both Eli Book and Jump System. Update them to the latest version.

Second, after you set the region you want to prevent the player from, you also need to update the plugin parameter to follow a region rule for the jump:

And last, both plugins are conflicting with function names, but also with functionalities.

The fix I found was to comment or remove the lines of the Yep Mouve Route plugin. Open the plugin with any text editor and find this:

Delete, erase, or comment on this function. And everything will work just fine.

I'm sorry for getting back to you so late as well! Thank you for looking into it and all this information, I will be updating all my plugins in my next foray and will definitely refer back here to get them to play nicely.