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Thank you! I don't find it spiteful, I appreciate the feedback! Overall you're right and I have a lot to improve, thank you for being so specific with what went wrong, I'll surely take all of that into consideration next time, and when editing the game I'll speed him up too.

Yeah, I also could've given more thought to the death / respawn system, I agree with most you said too.

And besides the colours you've had showing when pressing escape, no, there isn't a way to keep progress.

there is a hotkey for the map, it was in the controls panel :p

I see, thanks for the art pointers, I'm a big newbie there.

And thank you for the positive remarks! 

To conclude, thanks for taking the time to write this post, I found it very helpful and inspiring! You might see more of me if we stumble upon each other again, I'm trying to jam as often as possible :)