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I registered on itch just because I wanted to say that a great game it is. I see a lot of potential here, it has all the components (story, writing, lore, factions, skills, graphics) to become a true masterpiece. But as I understood, this is a solo (one person's) project, so I hope that you will be able to maintain your motivation to finish the game. 

Btw, I haven't figured out what to do with Niah and with the wanker near the lake. And I was unable to use any skills that I invested points in (which made fights quite challenging), but I guess it will come in the future updates.

Small suggestion: in the character sheet maybe you could specify also some qualitative description for all the skills attributes, e.g. we don't know if Mind 96 is a lot or not, so you could write in parenthesis (Genius) or (Below average). Same for magical skills (e.g. 7 - Newbie) or Corruption (e.g. 0 - Innocent). Of course, all those attributes/stats don't impact the game right now (at least I didn't see any difference in gaining/losing Mind or Corruption), but I am sure that you are planning to expand how the world reacts to changes in MC behavior.


thank you <3

Yes, I do it by myself (have only a translator who helps me with English). Now I’m working on a large 0.1 update of TLE that will be at least 5-6 times bigger than the whole current content.

Your suggestion is good, I think I’ll do smth like that

(2 edits)

5-6 times bigger sounds amazing! It took me about 5-7 hours to go through all the content in v0.0.3 (I'm a completionist), so I look forward to seeing this massive update.

A question: Playing as a mostly corrupt/evil Lora, I was unable to find a way to get the miller's quest. It requires high trust and I was unable to get it within the given time limit of one day. Is it by design? I can understand if you are planning to go for a more unforgiving/choices matter route. Or is there a way to be evil while still experience all this quest, and I just missed it?


you have to help the elder or find a wallet and give it to its owner to unlock miller’s quest. If you wanna help with that, you can pm me on Patreon (if you’re my Patron) or on Discord ;)

Thanks, this explains it. I have poisoned the elder's son and took the money from the wallet. I will try doing something differently on my next playthrough after the update (I am curious about the contents of the chest in the elder's house, so I definitely need to try saving his son).


you’re welcome. Feel free to ask me or Anyoris (on Discord server) every question that you have or will have