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Of course! The SRD is always available for free (or pwyw) so you can make a Four Points RPG whenever you want! 

Wonderful, thank you!  Is there a special "uses the Four Points SRD" logo you would like me to use for attribution? 
(such as the "Illuminated by Lumen" or "Carved from Brindlewood" logos for independent games that use those systems)

I have a generic system logo I can make available but even just text saying “based on the Four Points RPG System” would be fine 😊

Now that you’ve mentioned it, having a logo like that would be fun 😄 I’ll make one and add it to the SRD downloads 👍🏻

UPDATE: I've added a 'Based on the Four Points RPG System' logo to the SRD's download files :)

Fantastic! Thank you!