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This is a good word search game with a twist. It's funny how such a simple game gets more insteresting by tying it to another concept, constellations. I like the atmosphere of the game, it's relaxing and inviting. As far as I understand, you're not guaranteed to be able to use all letters in every game? That would be a big improvement.

It would be great if you could use Enter to accept a word and Backspace to remove letters. Or maybe left clicking a letter again could let you deselect it and right clicking anywhere could let you accept the current word? Clicking those buttons on the top felt a bit cumbersome.

The game itself is pretty good, the UI could more intuitive :)


Thank you very much for the good words and I'm really glad you liked the game... 

The way the game is setup to allow for the daily challenges it is really hard to make sure there is a definite solution using all the keys... It was hard enough to make a seed based random generator since js does not support it ...

I like your suggestion about the keys... I haven't updated it in a while now, but it will be soon... Hopefully along with a mobile friendly version...