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I gave this one a fantastic rating, you should be really proud of this one!

The only things I would change is a few minor nit-picks with instrumentation and effects tweaking to help with the flow, but honestly this gives such a vibe of a Stardew-Valley town/city that I can't help but want to play the game if it was in one. 

It's interesting that this track has so much characterization, not just for the scenery but for characters as well, I absolutely adore when a track can do this!

I'm surprised that I didn't leave a comment on this one earlier, amazing job nonetheless!

Thank you so much for the comment! I appreciate the constructive ear and I definitely agree that, if given more time, I would have liked to work on my transitions to be a little more smooth (like the choir part after the B section I realized after I submitted that it kind of comes out of nowhere- so I've fixed that already).  But not having enough time is part of the fun of these short jams because at least we all have something new that's finished that we can be proud of! Being compared to Stardew Valley is a major compliment - thank you so much!