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I don't see how the theme is used in this game...
Just having a small window isn't enough...
I know you only had 1 hour, but you could make a lot more within that time than what you're showing here. Try adding a light circle around the player, or have the enemies fade in as they get closer to you. Maybe have them increase their speed the longer you are alive, and your time becomes a highscore system. I think all of that is possible within one hour.
Good luck next time!

i was planning to have seconds but the seconds and it was implemented at one point but i did remove it also i tried to make it limited view by not showing where the enemy will appear after thinking about it i realized that yeah thats not really a thing

Why did you remove the timer? That gives the player motivation for something to beat.
Also, you could just have a circle that reveals the area around the player, but completely hides the rest.
I just feel like there's room for improvement... Hope to see it evolve into something great!

ok ill work on it this arvo! thanks for the motivation!

now thinking in the future i have other exciting games to work on