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Curious is something wrong with the game flags: I know for a fact a store my nuts inside Emma for a nine-month-long hibernation period and the second season says she isn't on the fast train to mommydom. Love the game but the whole reason I took the option is to that little chipmunk knocked up.


I'll check it out, thanks for the warning. Anyway, this decision only affects some dialogues, it was still too early in the game to make one of the girls pregnant.

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

Awww. Don't tease me with (the risk of getting pregnant) and then not deliver on said getting pregnant lol. You dangle a chipmunk(my favorite btw), two cougars, a swan, two flamingoes, and a honey badger then say I can store my nuts in the chipmunk but I can't increase my local MILF population. Lol


What do you mean by too early in the game,is this game supposed to be of 10 seasons? Or don't you tell me that there won't be pregnancy till ending,or will only be their in epilogue.