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(1 edit)

What should the time be? I am on PCT (Pacific Coast Time)

Drago lives in Chicago...

A Little Thing and Narrow Winner live in france.

And Sir Dumb and Limitsdragon live in Germany...

And i presume Aussua and Jesters live somewhere in the USA

Mr105 too

Madara lives.... Madara, where do you live?

i knew this was a big issue, so i was thinking we host a game everyday starting sunday

Deleted post

i live in Kuwait fyi

ah, ok

oh ok

u would be correct for me


ik it

presuming makes a pres out of u and ming, but yeah i do east coast baby!

Double yes!

I dont think i can this sunday cuz my family is there so... :(

Don't worry! We'll host a squad everyday starting Sunday ;-)


Ok that is really good btw is mostly can play on sunday or saturday from around 12 oclock till 15 oclock german time just if u can do something with these infos


im almost 2 hrs earlier than u