Hi Naiyr, thank you for suporting Minifantasy.
For Minifantasy characters and other creatures, the facing directions for the animations are in most cases NW-NE-SW-SE. Due to the really low resolution of the characters, and the art style used in the collection, It's not possible to make pure N-E-S-W directions without altering the look/style of the characters. However, also due to the super low resolution of the assets the NW-NE-SW-SE directions should work perfectly as N-E-S-W directions.
As an example, if your character moves towards E or SE, it will use the same animation. the same goes for W and SW. If you move straight south or north, it should use the animation row in the sprite sheet depending on what direction you were facing before going in the new direction (SW or SE for moving towards south / NW or NE for moving towards north).
If you want to see how directions work in-game, I recommend you check this out: https://www.talesofyore.com/?page=home (it's free and it makes a great example of how the assets can be used).
If you have any more questions or doubts feel free to contact me anytime, I will get back to you asap.