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"After reading latest stuff" I'm curious on what to expect from "butterfly mom", - whether she's a think first or a think last character. Looking forwards to new scenes with Sarah, given she and I relate so well. (Under-confident)

Been meaning to ask, will minor choices have an effect at all? Like, you watch Sarah's fashion show when picking who to hang around after the temple in the beginning, will somewhere down the line she does another fashion show full of confidence? Or when you first have fun with Sam, if you didn't confront her that night, it's more awkward than if you did? I know it's probably more work for ya, but I do love it when choices from earlier have minor changes down the road. Suppose it's going to depend a little on who it is though - Ashley seems to be "Sam 2.0" so I don't think choosing her or not will change much, outside of how much she's pranking Metatron!

I'm gonna start writing Rosalyn later this week hopefully, so... we'll see how she comes out exactly haha. Hopefully unique and fun!

Sarah's last scene is one of my favorites so hopefully she'll please~

Minor choices do have a fair number of callbacks, but they're not always obvious ingame cuz there's no popup. Celica has a *lot* of line swaps in her Wind training especially, based on your relationship progress with her, some of your choices throughout it, etc. Sam will remember if you confronted her outside the house or not. Ashley's stuff with Metatron gives you a few extra lines if you spoke with Maya or Metatron enough to learn much about their martial arts.

It's not perfect and not always telegraphed, but they're fun and I try to keep up with them when it's relevant!

Doing a lot of time-related stuff isn't likely though, it's harder to track.