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I found the game to be quite enjoyable and got all endings (and variations)! Great writing although I did notice some letters were capital when they shouldn't be. Was that intentional? They were mostly the letter P, if I recall correctly. I still don't exactly know what's happening even though I have some ideas.  I'd really love to know your thoughts on the story and characters as well as what the true endings mean to you

Overall, I enjoyed my time playing. Good job!


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Regarding the capital letters, it's actually not capitalised in the script, but in the choice menus/UI font, certain letters with descenders are bumped up so that the bottom of the letter rests on the baseline. (So you can see this with q's  or g's, as well). There's no specific meaning -- it's just how the font was made by the designer haha.
The story is meant to be a little vague and open to interpretation, but if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!