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It's just like my japanese animes!

The same button interacts with objects AND dashes? Please don't do that. Miyamoto would sue you not only for plagiarizing, but also for crimes against game design.

Not much impressions so far.

I managed to crash it at inventory screen probably by trying to press I again.




action number 1

of  Step Event2

for object oGame:

Variable oCaveDoorLeft.gamePausedImageSpeed(100411, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_oGame_Step_2


gml_Object_oGame_Step_2 (line -1)

I made another attempt at this from the start.

Sword should not be missable. Doing that will get you pretty much softlocked.

Dark room visibility is too low. There's very little time to react, so the only way for me to get through it is spamming sword every step just to be safe.

I don't really know how to deal with the rock enemies, and that's how I gave up.