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Thanks for testing that. I need to test the game on an 020, as I just realized my emulator is set to to 040 and my real Amiga is 030. Some fast ram is definitely needed too. Once I figure that out, I’ll update the system requirements.

I got the TF1230 at the same time I got my Amiga from They did an amazing job and I love the machine.

I’ve also posted a “making of” for NEONnoir that you can find here

PS: I checked out The Secret of Middle City and CyberSphere, congrats on the boxed release! I’ll definitely be checking those two game out :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for your interest in my games. I don't know if boxes are still around, but I can manage to at least send you a download link. Sadly, "The Secret of Middle City" should be re-dubbed "The Curse of Middle City"; it is all reported here.

I’m so sorry the loss of your friend. I’m happy you found each other and created something together you’re both proud of.

Thank you very much. It is really appreciated.