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For now there's no option to customize the look of the main character. But it's something I have in mind for the future. When it happen I'm sure I will give an option to choose the body type.

(2 edits)

Ok, i will be sure to keep a look out when it does arrive some time in the future, and the Swamp Creature's like and dislike is fixed, the meter for submitting to him is going the right way now, which is increasing it instead of lowering it, i will try submitting to the lizardman warroir and see if that is fixed as well, since he mostly like the battle outcome instead, losing to him in a fight by running out of HP cause his dislike to go up.

Also, not sure if you see one of the suggestion for the pregnancy idea on one of the updates, but maybe i can copy and paste it again in case you did not see it?

Sorry for the amount of edits, but Lizardman's like for submitting to him is going the right way as well, which is going up instead of down, even though he end up wanting a being that can fight good against him.