Major spoilers for this game.
1- ''Happiness Mc'' is in his late twenties and ''Goodbye time traveler Mc'' is 22 years old but the reason Alex calls the ''Goodbye Time traveler MC'' kid is not because of the age difference but because unlike Alex who has been through so many tough experiences including being in a real massive war during his days in ''Existence'', the ''Goodbye Time traveler'' is relatively inexperienced who only been through one or maybe two experiences.
2-The decrease in ''choices'' in this game is due to the current mindset of all three MCs. in games with lots of choices like ''Reeva'' for example, the Butterfly in that game is confused and lost, he wants to escape the Null's torture but a part of him believes he deserves to remain there which gives the player a lot of freedom with choosing his fate but in this game ''Divinity'' every MC has found his purpose and goal so making a lot of choices will go against the Characters growth over the years.
3- CC has an interesting final arc seeing as once the series is over she will probably not be able to interact with the player anymore. Not just CC but many other characters have a big final arc ( like the fact that Alex is dying which means Mirall won't to be born in the future) which is why I'm currently planning on making several side games in the series exploring these things before making the final big game in the series.