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Thanks for the replies DO! I understand there's some things you can't do anything about any game engine has limits. Still I hope I gave you some ideas or helped in some way as I only want this and any game to improve and become the best they can be.

I just wish I knew why I can't get Sunny to use encouragement and why other skills sometimes refuse to work initially till I back out of their menu and try again. With any luck the answer will show itself soon.

Excuse me... do you use a mouse or a keyboard?

Maybe the problem is that with the mouse it doesn't allow you to choose the target among friends when using skills that apply to the entire party. Try pressing "bar" or "enter" or "z" to confirm and "x" for cancel.

Because I just tried it and it works (I usually play with the keyboard).

Ah ok I will try that as I have been using just my mouse so far. Thanks for the tip and reply.