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Thank you for this very kind comment – apologies for the delay in replying, I’m not very well just now and it’s really put the brakes on my online (and VN playing) time!

Anyway – I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the game, and I’m delighted to think that the ‘endings’ mechanic might have given you inspiration for future projects! I wanted an endings screen that could function as a sort of ‘informational flowchart’ but that which would also look pretty and encourage completion, so when I got the idea for the necklace I was quite excited about it (and then Ingthing brought it to life more beautifully than I could have hoped)!

And thank you also for shouting out the team, I was so lucky to be joined by such generous and talented people, and everyone worked really hard.

I’m still really looking forward to checking out your game once I’m better, and congrats again on your Phantasia update!