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I played it alone so I can't say if it's fun in multiplayer, but it looks and feels very good. Sounds and some particles and it looks like a complete game.

I don't know if it's planned, but some additional player interactions could be a good addition. Like pushing other players or teleport another player around or something like that.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, forgot that little detail, it's definitely a multiplayer game :X though now that you say it, making a singleplayer part does sound interesting...

Sounds, yes, that's what I never do. And as for player interection, that's a good idea, but I feel like it would be easy to cheese the game or just block one of the player... Still, you've given me some stuff to think about.

I don't think that Singleplayer would fit well. It's like Mario party which you could theoretically play solo but who does it 😁

The chance for cheesing is given, but with it being local multiplayer balance is less important than fun.

Think of a blue shell in Mario Kart. Everybody hates it, but if you hit your mate 1m before the finish it's really funny 😉

True, true.

As for singleplayer, I was thinking a bigger map and the monster is controlled by an AI, but then I realised that

1) That doesn't sound very fun, and most importantly :

2) I do not know how to code a decent AI