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(2 edits) (+2)

118. 114. 110. I do wish, wish wish there's more a sticky effect of resources landing on top of the platform? With multiple bunnies stalled, they'll literally be right on top of it, and it turns into an interface problem. Likewise, that resources won't end up on the stairs or on the gravity-defying side of the temple, where picking them up turns into disrupting traffic. Like I said, that turns it into an interface jam (the bad kind) and not even any kind of pixel-hunting skill.

Really reminds me of the olden days when more defense tower games roamed in flash. Timing is everything!


Thanks for the comment and ideas! And what a great score, good job.

You are right, there are a lot of small details that could be done better regarding resources, where they fall and how to pick them up. I'll try to fix some of those issues in a future version.