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Awesome game! Such a cohesive theme; the art, music and SFX are fantastic. I love how the better you race the more creative you have to become in completing more laps.

My only criticism is that I couldn't figure out how many lives I had, or what the measure was for triggering the game over.

Anyway, that's just a minor thing. Well done on Nightmare Drive!


Thanks so much for playing! 

Also great catch on the lives! That was my mistake, they were just hidden for when I was preparing some gameplay gifs and forgot to turn them back on haha. I just uploaded a newer version which should fix that.

(1 edit) (+1)

haha no worries. Updated it and saw the UI. Looks good! 

My high score is 24...I curse my past self for the ghosts of big screw ups (particularly the ones requiring reversing and 180's).

Once again, great game, dude.