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After some more playing I went up to level 32. And I'm stuck on it :(

Any tip? Thanks.


The trick is once you can get to the top-right corner of the map, first make sure you already have a portal placed next to the pressure plate, then go to the top-right corner, put another portal there, then leave the torch down in a place where you can see both portals and the pressure plate.

If still stuck, email me at "haplotenebra -at- gmail dot com" and I'll send you a video.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the tip. I'll try it asap.

Edit: I managed to finish level 32 with your help. Let's play level 33 34 :)

I finished map 34. Map 35 is really hard...

Well, after some tries - at least 15 - I finished Tenebra 2:)

Better late than never :)

Finished it on my real C64... A real pleasure :)

Well done! It of course feels more special when done on the real thing.

It was a little harder than in Vice to finish because my joystick is sensible and I had to go slowly in order to avoid getting blocked.

Hey man the real thing deserves a real CRT monitor!!! no those crap LCDs...😁😆