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2 main things:

1) I do somewhat wish there was a way to either lock certain sizes (height, cock size, etc) or somehow just shrink them back to more normal values. As much as I like running around as a draconic avatar of corruption or a towering minotaur demon, sometimes I just want be a paragon of muscle and purity fighting against the corrupt hordes like some greek hero of legend. While possible to avoid all growing events altogether, things like the cock ring of the bind are great for building muscle for herculean build, but I cow have a cock and balls 3 times the height of my character, which doesn't exactly scream 'paragon or purity' to me. Similar situation with pure Torgar, since he doesn't have any fighting style options like the imp so I've accidentally hit a couple of his sigiled targets before I just removed him to stop my growth.

1a) On that topic, can Torgar get some fighting style options too? I want to use him as a pure character since he's one of the few non-corrupt or demonic characters we can interact with, but not if he's going to be constantly growing me.

2) Will there be more Abel content in the near future, both with or without corrupting him? Currently from what I can tell, he exposits a little bit, you can make him glow corruptly, but he's not like Torgar or the imp and doesn't have any form of notable progression (Torgar progresses to fully pure/corrupt, the imp progresses to be your master/servant). If he's just meant to be exposition then that makes sense, but being introduced as someone close to us who we can revisit whenever feels like he's being set up to be more than just a lore dump.


ya it's kind of funny the first few times but like would be nice to be normal sized sometimes.

maybe it can be a temporary thing that wears off after a certain number of actions or maybe we can work with density as well, increment the density instead of just the volume which would result in muscles that are effectively larger then they really are.

(1 edit)

that would bring some interesting problems though i imagine, get too dense and accidentally become a black hole would be an interesting way to end up XD


Your first question is taken care of in 0.7.3, and Abel will have is role expanded in later versions.