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Started anew to see what has changed, got to everyone getting to the road trip but haven't actually headed towards Badon yet at all, just the intro to camp. I love Amnelis and how she's flirty, and also very much a goofball! Doesn't seem to understand self-preservation though... Given how flirty she is, probably another Daughter of Gaea that's lewdable!

One thing, I have to wonder if you start with something - say, a longsword and light armor - will you be able to switch out once you reach Badon? I initially wanted a Mana Blade but found the mana cost of stuff a little too steep so restarted with a longsword. Once I reach Badon, wouldn't mind upgrading a bit but not sure if switching weapons will be problematic because of skills. Armor shouldn't be an issue for upgrading though.

Sorry Amnelis, Sarah's still my favorite! 


You can swap weapons and armor anytime in camp! Go to Progress, Equip, and you can set your primary and secondary weapons, which can then be swapped between freely in battle!

Glad you're liking Amnelis, I had a lot of fun writing her and am looking forward to more. Her first CG is already in progress and looking NICE.

And Sarah is still good - will definitely give her some love this update!