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I guess you can try out a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), and see if you can punch out a score or dozen?  DAW-wise, I hear that Reaper is very good, and you can basically ignore the nag screen every 60 days until you feel ready to commit to buying.  That said, Reaper is intended for professional creators, so you will have a learning curve.   Cakewalk is a freeware option that isn't as powerful, but less intimidating.

Anyhow, I keep music on for VN games - they are a genre I use for immersion and empathy, so the music is important for me.  Other games, especially action, puzzle, or simulation titles, I lower the music while listening to podcasts.  Each player has unique relationships to their gameography.

Interesting - I'll look into them both! Thanks for sharing, I've heard of DAWs before but didn't know anything about that. I'd love to be able to make some music, that and writing are my favorite types of creativity.

And yeah, if the game doesn't have terrible music, I almost always listen to it. Lotta porn games out there don't even try though.