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(1 edit)

I really like the game so far. I am on my 4th prestige, still working on the story progression for one of each banner because I messed up and converted on my first prestige. A few things I would suggest:

Make a confirmation for converting to a higher tier on the banners, warning you that having none of the lower tier will not give you a benefit from converting. Also just to confirm you want to do it, to prevent accidents.

Make a tab/display for upgrades you have already purchased from the shop.

Get a native English proofreader for the text. It's still understandable but there are many errors and could use a lot of polish.

Maybe make a Discord too if you want.

Edit: Thought of more. Bonus time. You accrue bonus time while offline which can be toggled on and makes the game run at extra speed. I feel like this is a easy way to give fake 'offline progress'.

The game is good though. Definitely unique and not just a silly carbon copy of other idle/incremental games. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for your feedback!
Happy to hear that you liked it!

Game is still in very early stage of development, so it have a lot of typos and missing hints/confirmations.

I am currently working on some new content I plan to release somewhere in the middle of next week, and after it I plan to work on offline progressing and improving UI, tooltips and confirmations. 

I going to push updates at least weekly during next month or so. All points you mentioned make sense to me, so will to address them as quickly as possible.