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Thanks - these are great! One question - how can I warp to the Romero levels with IDCLEV? I'm no expert on this stuff but looking at the mapinfo.txt they share the same levelnums - is this the issue?

Try "map e1m4b" at the console (pull it down with the tilde ` key).

Perfect thanks! When I die (e1m8b is pretty difficult) it doesn't restart the map however & just...pauses over my corpse, aside from reentering the map command, is there a standard restart level command or setting I can use?

I thought pressing the use key or fire button would always reload your last save/autosave in GZdoom, is that not happening here? I tried opening the map that way and dying just now and that's what it did... also tested walking through the final portal and "dying" to trigger the E1 finale text, that worked fine too.

I think the problem is with my GZDoom setup, maybe it's not autosaving at the start of the level so upon death it just has nothing to autoload.