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Thank you for saying so! Whenever someone says they enjoy the characters, I always feel more accomplished because that's the only thing that's 100% my imagination. So it is appreciated.

Though I know a call for a walkthrough is here. I will admit, I've been worn down. Before I thought writing a walkthrough would destroy what little credibility the game had since the only facet of it was the discovery. Eventually though, even though having found all the memories, people wanted to see the entire scenes. Having people that eager to see something I wrote went to my head and I decided to start writing a walkthrough.

Four girls in, and I realized I HATED writing it. It reminded me of the poor scripting and amateurish design the game was, and I had to trace every path in that noobish mess. Also people stopped talking about the game in general for a while now and I figured I'd stop torturing myself so I could focus on something new.

Maybe I'll dust off that old .doc file now that you said something. There's just SO many girls left to handle... and procrastination is a lovely mistress...

Well if it's any comfort, remember that I wouldn't be combing this game so thoroughly if I wasn't at least somewhat invested in this world! And if this was your first go, I'm sure you'll only get even better from here!