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A member registered Oct 16, 2017

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Big fan of the bodyguard, Williama is her name iirc? I hope she gets more content soon, I love the scenes of her in the arena and with the queen as well!

Well if it's any comfort, remember that I wouldn't be combing this game so thoroughly if I wasn't at least somewhat invested in this world! And if this was your first go, I'm sure you'll only get even better from here!

(1 edit)

man, I love the art and characters in this game but damn if trying to get all the memories isn't driving me crazy.  I think I've clicked every square of the town at least once, and I think my brain's fried from all the options and routes I've tried.

Valera asks why I keep coming back even after unlocking the CGs via NG+++ and it's because of me trying to figure everything out like a giant conspiracy board and wanting to see the full context of the scenes. Why have I done this to myself.