I remember seeing a LP of this a year ago. I wanted to play something while waiting for the Chaos;Head patch, so I gave this a go.
So spoilers and such:
I did choices how I would do things - play along until I could stab Castoria in the back and get her arrested. I feel it would be pretty easy too - I would claim that she and I need to go to the police station so she could get a state ID (since she doesn't legally exist), and then immediately tell the receptionist to separate me from her first chance I get. Bonus points if she has a major overreaction at my betrayal so I can get her for assault as well. She gets dragged to jail kicking and screaming while I get to walk free.
I didn't realize that I saw a condensed version of the Good Ending from the LP I watched - the full Good Ending still feels a bit short compared to the Bad one regardless. Oh well. I was hoping for an opportunity to betray her.
Bad Ending is a blast. I'm amazed the MC survived all that. Dude totally would have died of circulatory shock, but I guess Castoria would never let that happen.
I kinda wish the MC would actually try to fight back when he still could in the bathroom in the Bad Ending. And it could still lead into the next scene - IIRC, she has actual combat experience from her time in the game world, while the MC has basically nothing (that I know of). It wouldn't surprise me if the MC whiffs his first punch and then gets counterattacked hard. It would be like an average joe trying to fight a XCOM rookie in a fist fight.
It makes me wonder where Cana is going to fit into this. The only way she would see the Bad Ending MC is if she somehow got into his home without getting spotted. Good Ending MC has a chance of getting outside to see Cana, but probably only if MC is onboard with my plan to betray Castoria. An MC actually wanting to be with Castoria would not stand a chance of getting out.
I'm not a fan of the backlog background. It can get hard to read text located in the middle of the screen since contrast isn't too good there. Rest of the UI looks alright.