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(1 edit)

Hmm… I already beat my first playthrough and now I want to play as a character that uses Dual Daggers and favors inflicting the bleeding status with both his daggers and wind magic. The issue is that his wind magic isn’t gonna be that good as I won’t be able to boost his focus stat as I’m focusing on Dexterity, Magic, and Agility.

Also… I noticed that my Frenzy stack didn’t change despite using Dearh Blossom in battle.


You'll just have to avoid Kovomancy, Aeromancy doesn't have focus scaling so you can still use it full power!

And yeah, the stack reduction mechanic wasn't working for all abilities, fixed in 22d which I recently uploaded


Wait it was just updated now? Huh… Well alright then. I have only been playing the game for only a couple of days and I already have a few builds I want to try out:

Manablade with all elements, including Aether and Nether to cover all future weaknesses.

Dual Dagger focused on bleeding.

Spear focus on getting critical hits while weaken enemies’ defense and mitigation

just to name a few