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You're exactly right - the base skills offer a decent baseline kit and synergy with the special stuff for each element!

Mana Blade already gives some free defense/resist penetration, so I think it's safe to go for Agility/Vitality (defensive) or Focus/Dexterity (crit) depending on whether you want to be tanky, focus on spells, or focus on skills. Cuz you still have access to the full Longsword skillset too.

Well what if one wishes to be able to use Aether or Nether magic with the mana blade?

Nether exists, the existing skill is called Dhampir.  But you need the Nether Initiate trait to access it, so it's not available at the start. More skills for every element will come over time.


I am aware, I’m just looking forward to the Aether and Fire Mana Blade skills is all.