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This was super good!




I did not see the twist coming at all. But as soon as it hit, all the little pointers along the way become delightfully apparent. My favourite was how Volkham didn't get the mirror riddle. That was a really nice touch. But yeah, even the title and logline give you a cheeky prompt. The setup for this was all so good.

Loved the sprites and the backgrounds. All great. Music and sound effects were all well done too.

Voice acting was superb, especially 'Dispatch' ;). It blows my mind that you're actually able to get voice acting organised and into in a game jam game. So impressive.

Also super impressed with the character choices. I went female female but am keen to try out the other combinations.

All in all, fantastic little game and highly recommended.

So glad you liked it ^-^ especially the twist and stuff since my brother told me I was an idiot for deciding to adapt that particular episode based on his opinion that “it's probably one of the most boring twists ever” xD I do agree with him that it's not the best, but I still think it's fun and also super appropriate for Halloween x3

Also happy you describe the title and logline as giving a cheeky prompt because I was trying so hard to do that, was really happy with the stuff I settled on, my dad said he thought it was snappy, and then my brother went and said it all sounded stupid >.< so then I began to wonder if he was right, haha.

Hehe x3 I cringe so badly at my attempts to play extras in Spooktober projects xD I just always feel like if it's a super small role, I might as well try to cover it myself rather than spend time trying to cast a proper VA for it. Last year was a lot easier to organise VA for Limbo Line because we had some VAs on board that I already knew, and they knew plenty of folks who were happy to help out, so we didn't even need to run auditions or anything! This year was much more daunting because I wasn't fantastically organised >.< Rebecca was on board who I worked with last year, so that gave me much comfort, but the rest was all thanks to Casting Call Club! I honestly don't know what I'd do without that site and community sometimes x3 It just makes it so easy to connect with voice actors and start working together :3

I also can't believe the number of voice actors who willingly sign up to be a part of multiple Spooktober projects! At that point, they must be working as hard as the devs to get everything done by the deadline. But it's amazing to see so much enthusiasm for the Spooktober projects from the voice actors there ^-^

I mainly manage to get through the editing side of it thanks to a lot of cups of tea and coffee x3

There's not really all that much to discover with the different character combos anyways besides the change in sprites + CGs + riddles x3

Thanks so much for taking the time to go through it and for all your kind words <3


I noticed Carrot's reply below and I think it's safe to say you can entirely ignore your brother's opinion on this one :D

Everyone hates hearing their own voice, so it makes sense you cringe at yours. But you were great! Very convincing and official sounding.

Maybe I should try and be brave enough to see if I can get some VA for a future VN. Just feels so daunting.

Ah okay, would still like to check out the male side of it though. Will be interesting to see how different it feels. But yeah, after making my way through the billion other Spooktober games :D

You're welcome! It was a pleasure to play. I'm going to check out your other stuff too. You know... eventually :D


To be fair, I should probably ignore my brother's opinion on most things related to my project stuff since he pretty much thinks everything I do sucks xD (he hasn't even checked any of them out! He just thinks that making VNs is lame because, in his opinion, they're not proper games >.>)

Yeeeees!! Do iiiiiiit :D I would love to hear VA in your future games :3 Heck, I'd even offer to help if there was anything in particular you were worried about! Dunno how much help I'd actually be, but I'd try, haha. Casting Call Club really does make it a breeze to connect with folks though!

Hehe, yeah, I have like a billion things I want to play at this point and never enough time to do it >.< I still haven't played a single game from this year's otome jam T_T and I'm way behind on what I thought I would be on Spooktober games too. One day! x3

Oh he's one of THOSE, huh? I see. Definitely ignore him then :D

Thanks for the offer and advice! I'll see how brave I'm feeling with the next project.