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A somewhat amusing oversight:  Siofra's portrait in some scenes only shows her bottom half - the picture is placed so high, that her torso is out of sight.

Aside from that, I have the impression her dialogue portrait might be too tall, as it clips onto the status bars.

When her portrait is low enough, something felt off to me.  Looking more closely, there is a feeling that her image is a bit...square?  I think it is because one of the flames at the top suddenly cuts off.  I tend to be a stickler for odd details like that.  Dunno if that sort of thing is worth mentioning?

Feature request:  it would be cool if characters with multiple outfits could change them each day, such as the Succubi and their civilian wear.  Bonus points if certain sentimental items are kept, such as Ashley's choker.

The read/unread icon for interactions is much appreciated.  It is a QOL feature that should be in games with repeatable conversations.  It kinda cheapens dialogue if I accidentally reread it, which sucks because I want to care for Samantha and friends.


Siofra thing fixed for whenever next mini update is!

I'll think about the portrait image, it's tough to get those all about the same size/dimensions.

Outfit changes are possible, but there aren't many alts and for the most part they tend to wear the new one as possible (ex. Sarah isn't likely to use her old outfit unless necessary, since she doesn't like it).

Glad you like the icon! It was kind of a random idea that has been a real hit so far it seems like.