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Thank you for the feedback!

The F key shouldn't need the shift key combination... hmmm. Could you please provide more details of your play environment? Platform: web (specify which browser), windows (specify version), linux (distro); Keyboard language and any other details you consider relevant.

The arrow flickering is caused by flying real close to the activation zone. You need to be flying above Calli's height and somewhere a bit below the top edge of the screen (when the camera zooms out). You can't down boost when you're too close to the ground or when you've sent chibiRyS off-screen. I'll probably add some sort of graphic to the game page to show the activation window.

I've done a bit more testing, and I've boosted without shift once. So, I guess the time I tried pressing shift was just the first time I got the down-boost to work.

Even when I'm at what I'm pretty sure is the right altitude, pressing F sometimes doesn't do anything, and I have no idea why. I'm sorry that I can't provide more detail than that. If I could...well, I guess if I understood what was going on well enough to explain it, I wouldn't have a problem.

Does it work fine with a gamepad?

Hold on. Can you only use the down-boost when you're going up? Is that what's going on?

Somebody didn't read the instructions it seems... :)