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(1 edit)

I'll add that. Shouldn't be a problem.

As for errors with minions. I've noticed it giving the same error in a few other cases, when canceling skill selection and so on. Think I eliminated them all now.

Thank you again.

Edit: Heh. Didn't think of that as she's a spirit and wouldn't care. Main issue now would be the scenes that follow after (she's fully dressed in them from what I remember). I'll look into changing that but that's something to be done in the future.

great, thanks for checking & fixing!

and I didn't meant the spell as way to end the fight but as eye candy gimmick. but yes, you'll would have to create a new set of windows for the scene after the combat, probably not worth your time for a small easter egg

if you made the spell effect just pull her shirt down, you could just add a second shot where she pulls her clothes back up, and no need to re-cast all the following shots in the ending scene


Not a bad idea. I'll probably do that or something similar.
I haven't looked at that event for a while now.