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What a dynamic, fun and surprisingly fresh gameplay! 

I've been a fan for a long time and seeing a new game (more like games) of yours truly made my day. I played it myself, watched others play the game and it was a fun ride, for sure. Really did not expect this.

Great job!

Thans, nice to hear from you again, you unfortunately haven't published anything for a long time either. Always loved to see a new game from you pop up in my feed. I‘ve had autumn holidays for the past two weeks and decided to finish some prototypes I developed over the last few months. Now that school‘s starting again, I won‘t have much time left to make more games, but I‘ll try my best.

(1 edit)

Thanks for makimg awesome games!

I underatand. It has been a while since I've done something, you are right. I am trying to finish a new game soon and that might be it. Although, I am very excited and always happy to see other developers shine and make great content. 

I will be checking out your new releases so, good luck mate 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻

Edit: Steve was a hilarious character 😅