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Ok so I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to technology, so this could be an easy fix, but can somebody help me? 

I'm replaying through the game , I'm on step three. When I get to the moment selection screen is where I have the issue. Whenever I click on one of the Step 3 DLC moments I get an error. It says "I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'reflection'.". 

I thought that maybe I didn't have the Step 3 DLC rpa file in the game files, but I checked and they are there. So can anyone help me out and help me figure out what's going on? 

That error means the DLC isn't in the right place. Can you show me what your folder looks like? And did you ever redownload the base game? If so and this isn't your first time downloading it, it's good to make sure there's no older OL files still around on your device. Getting rid of all of that and having just the most recent stuff can make sure there's no issues with mixing up where things are put and what's running.

Okay that was really helpful, thank you so much. There was an update and I didn't move the files to new folder, that's my bad. That's really embarrassing and I'm very sorry. Thank you for your help ^^

No worries! It's easy to miss something like that.