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I shared this in the discord but heres some secrets and tips for candy hunting


-Candy has a very low chance from being found after normal battles 

-Events that give candy: Weary Traveler-> Choose to carry (req 30 str) gives 1, Charmweaver -> Choose to craft a banner (req a charm) gives 1, Humble Cottage-> Choose Take Candy: gives 0 to 2, Sealed Tomb-> Random chance for a Candy Stash reward (random required stat) gives 1 to 4. 

-Candy Baskets are most common in Zone 1 Treasure fights TIPS 

-Try to save candy for tier 2 or 3 monsters, their higher base stats mean they get an even bigger boost from the % increase.

-Candy is food, it can be used at campsites to cook meals to affect your entire party! Really make the most of those stat boosts.


Thanks for sharing!


using candy is tricky due to the debuff, hitting speed or HP really hurts over time