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(+1), line 466

description = "A member of the $rare race desires a worthy mate for reproductive purposes. $He must be at least average in appearance and open to $his mate's commands. ",

In game it looks like this

Fixed in the next version. Thanks!

Curious, how did you fix it? I found this text in .gd file, but nothing seems wrong to me in there

Vanilla Strive has no less than 3 different dynamic text systems, which have different formats and functionalities. The slave guild has one because the other systems are designed to work for people that exist, but the request for a person is not a person. The slave guild's text system is very bare bones and does not support most gendered pronouns like the single person system, so the fix is most likely adding text replacement for those.

I restructured the sentence to not use the text replacers it was trying to and ensure it’s only using those present in the other functioning quests instead. There’s no replacer for $rare or $he in this one I could find so I just reworked it.