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Having gotten the max relationship with Metatron and Celica, I have found their sex scenes to be adorable, funny, and very well written. I can completely see a Metatron/Sarah/MC threesome down the road! I'd like to see a Celica/Sam/MC threesome just to see if they could, yanno, cooperate on something, but that might end badly for the MC...

I'd noticed that the later boss fights are multi-battle. The fight to save Ina(tm) was a few fights, and the fight against Sofra is at LEAST 4 fights (please tell me I was on the last round with her), are you intending to make most of the boss fights multi-battle?  The fight to save Ina made sense, because it was "fended off the goons? Fine, I'm next", but Sofra seems to be either bored or the next boss fight is going to be super tough, given she seems to be taking the MC more seriously each round.

Dorky fashion model succubus teaching out of her element angel about sex I found funny and adorable. :) 


Glad you liked both girls! Yeah, MetaSarah is something I really want to do, I've been slowly setting it up but gotta get that payoff eventually.

Siofra is 3 distinct phases, with a 0.5 if you count the summon during her first phase. She's definitely intended to be hard - I've referred to her as the 'first real boss' because everything previous was designed to make it easy or at least pretty doable, whereas Siofra (even after her nerfs LOL) can still absolutely ruin your run in phase 3. You were her first 'boss fight' so to speak, and she realized she was having fun LOL

Not every future boss will be the same, but even the temple boss had certain things happen at various HP percentages, the wolf had its super Mark to dogpile the target, etc. Future bosses will have their own mechanics, like minions you don't want to target, near-invincible bosses that take damage when you kill minions, etc. Ideally, it'll be more than just HP bars. But I can definitely say that most won't be as difficult as Siofra.