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What was the intent for the male Sam experiment?  Depending on what you were thinking, the general idea could be repurposed - say, for example, Samantha being temporarily gender-bent.  It might be a chance for her to see that she was actually pretty feminine in the first place.  I have the impression that she feels a bit insecure on that front.

Anyhow, Badon should be a pretty good chance to dig into lore and how the characters relate to the world.  For example, a food stall can reveal that Maya's beastkin nose is too sensitive around certain foods, maybe a festival that celebrates in honor of felled angels, and so forth.  I am guessing that Metatron would feel a bit disturbed at (false?) remains being displayed, much like real-world saints.


The original idea is that he'd be a source of MMF content, and if you didn't like Ashley you could set him up with her.  Didn't seem like people were very interested in that and his mere existence made FSam harder to add content to, so I ended up dropping him. There may be MMF content in the future with other characters, idk, but I don't really want to deal with the anti-NTR crowd deciding everything is NTR so I'm not really eager to jump into that lol.

I definitely have plans for a number of Badon dates/adventures, will hopefully get to those in the near future! Some interesting ideas there.

(1 edit) (+3)

I am interested in the potential interplay of Sam(uel) and Celica, both verbal and licentious.   While I don't think a full Samuel route would pay off, a divergence that has Sam sticking their wick into Celica's candleholder is certainly something I like to envision.

Mind, how that can happen without Celica learning Apocalypse from pure anger and ending Samantha's world would be quite a needle to thread.


Ha, I can almost hear the NTR shitstorm already. Celica is usually 2nd or 3rd most popular girl in polls, don't think people wanna share. I can't imagine that ending well, but female sam/celica competitive sex could be funny... if they can even get along that well.