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Good catch, yeah, I didn't even think of someone doing church before knights (since knights weren't ingame when I did church LOL). I'll try and remember to do a line swap.

Glad you liked the priest, I had a lot of fun with that scene! It was nice to write a guy like that, people really seem to like him in general. RIP Metatron's hopes, though.

Yeah, everyone you can bang is 18+, Maya specifically is the same age as the core few.  Unfortunately, if she played that game with Sam, MC's brain would lose from the consequences...

Metatron is a good girl (mostly) so Ashley knows she can fuck around without finding out - mostly. Metatron's possessiveness may become an issue over time, though...


I noticed that the MC has just about equal "think first" and "think last" companions. Think first: Metatron, Sarah, Aspia, Celica (except when Sam is concerned!). Think last: Ashley, Sam, Maya. You have Ashley and Sam pair up occasionally when doing adventures (for the lolz), think a pairing of Ashley/Maya or Maya/Sam is a possibility? Or possibly Maya and Aspia because they are so total opposites...

I need to go through the area where Maya is with everyone and see how many people follow through with headpats. Maya needs all the headpats she can! Sarah I can see doing it, honestly not sure on any of the others... 

Alicia will be a good middle ground (but closer to the second group), and Sofra is definitely in the latter, so the scales tip ever towards MC's suffering!

I forget who all pats Maya, but it's not a lot unfortunately, when I go back and update that scene I'll probably add a wider band of interactions.