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uh huh 

I mean you cant say for certain

Because you have no real way of knowing

Anyway stop making my aromatic self defend romance or else 

I’d rather die old and alone. Unlike you, Rible, I’m not exactly social. I’m not loud I can’t even talk to my friends normally let alone my crush. It’ll be a blue moon by the time I talk to him. Unless I’m forced to.

bruv i didn't have real legitimate friends until i turned 15 

Until that point i was a massive mess

Not to shit on ur friends but it might be the people ur hanging out with 

Like in my experience, until last year I'd only hung out with the basic white girls in my class. And they all kinda sucked as friends (so i was the only nd, queer trans kid). It wasn't until i started hanging out with people who were actually like me (cough gay and neurodivergent people) that i started feeling better in social situations

And Yeah talking to new people is hard as heck which is why you make yourself seem approachable so they talk to you first 

Also how can you have a crush on someone you don't know personally, that doesn't make sense to me, can you explain what you feel when you see him 

crush = you like person

A crush isn’t falling in love, it’s like admiration and it can fade away. It’s not a serious thing so yes you can have crushes on people without knowing them well. And by the way I’m not saying I have a crush now I am just saying that if I did I wouldn’t talk to him. I mean I do like someone currently but I wouldn’t call it a crush, more of just “this person is nice” and then leave it at that. I think it may be the bright eyes, yk how people with bright eyes are, it’s like they put you in a trance, it’s freaky and weird and I hate it but their eyes are so pretty it’s so weird

Also no my friends are great I’m just anti-social, they never ostracized me for being weird and anti-social, they never forced me to talk when I didn’t want to, they’re great friends, maybe eventually I’ll start talking to them more naturally but not today.


You look at peoples eyes

I could never

Actually though


Eye contact makes me want to like do a crime 

I don’t, but people with bright eyes are like FORCING YOU to look at their eyes or at least it feels that way.

you mean blue eyes 

blue eyes mostly but I feel like those light green eyes have a similar effect just dialed down-

I don’t understand your whole sexuality aromantic bisexual asexual thing you have going on- it’s very confusing

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YOU FORGOT T4T (trans 4 trans.. i only date trans people) 


Yeah its great 

Allow me to explain

so im not going to get into the whole how i experience asexuality because a huge chunk of it involves me talking about some HIGHLY inappropriate subjects 

but for aromantic-ness basically im not fully aromantic, but love and crushes don't come easily to me. I find it weird and awkward and very difficult to express myself romantically, the whole idea of romance can be very confusing to me. Doesn't mean i don't WANT to date someone or im completely incapable of it.. because im def not. It's just harder for me. Plus I've only had a crush on 2 people in my entire life

The bi thing is pretty simple, when i imagine myself dating someone i don't really care what gendee they are..? But as of rn i do have a preference for men which is why I'm bi and not something like pan. 

Maybe its more of a demiromantic-asexual-aceflux type thing

ok I get it, I suppose it’s kinda less confusing now-

to sum it up

Im just bad at feelings