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(1 edit) (+2)

I love the art, music, and controls, but DEAR GOD is it unbalanced. Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to survive for longer than ten seconds without dying, and even if I manage to live, there's another ten enemies waiting for me in the next five paces while I've already been whittled down to one or two hits.


ahhh... Thanks for trying the game... It does require a particular style of play that is very aggressive... You have to spam the attack button viciously and move around constantly. But well... I suppose it's not for everyone. Sorry for the trouble.

Aw, it's fine! I'll be waiting for your next game :D.


The bushes are the key to survival :)

Hmm, I'll try that.

oh BOY now I can actually play the game! 

The hearts really helped, though I often found myself running around looking for bushes.

Once I got to it, the cave became one of the most visually stunning things I've ever seen in a jam game. I was dissapointed that there was no boss, but I mean, I get it

Damn, now I want to watch Samurai Jack...